[Members] Heads Up!! 6 August Meeting

St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List members at stlaviationmeetup.org
Fri Aug 2 16:42:04 UTC 2019

The pilot loungs at 1H0 has been dry for a while, .. so we will be meeting
there this Tuesday.

Advance notice - the topic will be "Best of Air Venture"! Round up your
pictures, links, or videos to show the group.

Simplest to save them to a thumb drive that I can use on my laptop, but if
you would like to present directly be sure that you have an HDMI output.

PS - We had a great crowd at the Blue Haven Cafe this Tuesday and the
funniest thing happened - someone that could not make it due to
maintenance problems texted me and asked if I could check with the
restaurant to see if his daughter's blue hair schrunchie was there - it
was! Returned that evening!

	See you all Tuesday!

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