[Members] Tuesday 3 December

St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List members at stlaviationmeetup.org
Mon Dec 2 19:35:22 UTC 2019

Hi Folks!

Hope everyone has recovered from Thanksgiving, ..

The Tower visit isn't going to work out right now, so we will postpone
until after the first of the year.

IMC Question of the Month:

On the Corpus Christi International ILS/LOC RWY 13 Approach, what is the
meaning of the "#" symbol (S-ILS 13#)? What is the difference between
S-ILS 13# and S-ILS 13?

Scenario fitting for the weather this week:

It's a cold and snowy approach to Boise, Idaho, and all is going well
until the altimeter disagrees with the glideslope! You are used to making
cold-weather corrections, but none are needed for this approach. Do you
continue on faith, adjust your minimums, or give up even though your
business future is on the line?

See you tomorrow @1830!

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