[Members] Heads up - flyout 14 July!!

St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List members at stlaviationmeetup.org
Tue Jul 2 14:45:20 UTC 2019

Been TOO long since we had a meeting, .. Tammy has been trying to
coordinate a flyout to the IMC Club in Peoria, and they have invited us to
their next meeting:

	14 July 1800 @3MY (Peoria, IL)

We will have an extra seat or two, .. so if anyone has an open seat or
needs a ride, please post here to the list(s).

Don't forget - you SHOULD be getting two copies of this email; if you are
NOT, please send me an email so I can troubleshoot:

	list (at) stlaviationmeetup (dot) org

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