[Members] 7 January 2020

St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List members at stlaviationmeetup.org
Sun Jan 5 21:38:32 UTC 2020

Happy New Year and Blue Skies to all!!

Two IMC Questions of the month:

1) What is the meaning of "BA GOOD" on NOTAMs and the standard aviation
weather products, such as METAR/TAF, SIGMETs, AIRMETs, etc?

2) In the NOTAM, "RUNWAY 17L 3/3/3 50 PCT COMPACTED SN OBS AT 1912102259,"
what does the "3/3/3" mean

GPS Checkride problem from Phil:

Phil says Hi from Florida! At their IMC Club Meeting, there was a
presentation on how a local area pilot failed his IR checkride due to
misuse of his GPS navigator: Why does the GPS tell the pilot to hold with
right turns, when the approach chart has left turns? KCRG ILS or LOC RWY

January Scenario:

This month, the roles are reversed and you are a controller trying to help
a pilot in need. The pilots plight puts you in the hot seat, where you see
several options, none of which are found anywhere in the controllers
manual. Do you play by the book, or give the pilot what he really needs?

Don't forget, we will be at the STL tower on the 21st; more details when
we are confirmed.

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