[Members] Tuesday 7 July

St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List members at stlaviationmeetup.org
Mon Jul 6 16:04:14 UTC 2020

Seconds after rotation, the airplane has a mind of its own: It climbs; it
descends; the controls seem all wrong. You get a moment of stability and
have to decide which is worse: Turning away from airlines approaching
OHare or risking renewed loss of controlor busting through the final
approach of one of the worlds busiest Bravos.

Be there!!!

	Jitsi Meet
	Server:		https://nyx.omnitec.net
	Meeting:	StLAviationMeetup
	Password:	FlyHigh

I will be online by 4ish in case anyone would like to test, .. if you're
having problems, feel free to give me a jingle in the office:


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