From members at Tue Jun 2 00:29:35 2020 From: members at (St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List) Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2020 19:29:35 -0500 (CDT) Subject: [Members] Missing link Message-ID: The link for the podcast about masks was cut off the email: Masking, the Truth - Aviation Podcast See you all tomorrow! From members at Tue Jun 2 16:42:02 2020 From: members at (St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List) Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2020 11:42:02 -0500 (CDT) Subject: [Members] Meeting Login Message-ID: You are invited you to an online meeting: Meeting starts @1800CDT Join the meeting: Password: FlyHigh Room will be open this afternoon if anyone would like to test. From members at Wed Jun 3 21:35:55 2020 From: members at (St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List) Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2020 16:35:55 -0500 (CDT) Subject: [Members] 2 June Meeting Message-ID: Hey Folks! You all missed a great meeting! We know times are busy now with all the Covid recovery, .. and a lot of pilots haven't been in the air for months, .. but it's always to get your head back into the air. If ANYONE has any concern about being able to use a video conferencing system, please give me a jingle and we can do a test session pretty much any time. The large screen on a computer really works best, as it's really hard to read charts and diagrams on a phone, so that would be good to arrange. Turns out there are five Tuesdays in June, .. and a lot of places will be open by then. Check out your favorite spot and let us know! Look forward to seeing more folks in two weeks!! From members at Mon Jun 15 00:20:03 2020 From: members at (St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List) Date: Sun, 14 Jun 2020 19:20:03 -0500 (CDT) Subject: [Members] Tuesday 16 June Message-ID: The meeting Tuesday will be online, .. we will send everyone the link at lunchtime. Hooe to see everyone there! This will be a flight from KPWK to KRIC. The weather will require decision making regarding altitude and icing conditions, even though flying an aircraft certified for flight into known icing. Even with equipment, icing still requires taking action, so what altitude will you change to and why? After decid9ng on a new altitude, are you prepared for making more inflight weather decisions when you see unexpected nasty clouds? This session will also include a brief introduction to using Skew T diagrams, just the right amount of explanation to simplify these diagrams and where to find them. From members at Tue Jun 16 20:48:24 2020 From: members at (St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List) Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2020 15:48:24 -0500 (CDT) Subject: [Members] Tuesday 16 June Meeting Message-ID: The meeting gonight will be online, using, Jitsi, at 1800CDT. Link: PW: FlyHigh If anyone has any sort of problem connecting when we send out the link, give me a jingle in the office: (314) 997-4600 x101 See you all tonight! Lee From members at Tue Jun 16 22:26:02 2020 From: members at (St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List) Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2020 17:26:02 -0500 (CDT) Subject: [Members] Tuesday 16 June Meeting 30 minutes! Message-ID: Last minute reminder for everyone: The meeting tonight will be online, at 1800CDT. Link: PW: FlyHigh If anyone has any sort of problem connecting when we send out the link, give me a jingle in the office: (314) 997-4600 x101 See you all shortly! Lee From members at Fri Jun 19 22:05:56 2020 From: members at (St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List) Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2020 17:05:56 -0500 (CDT) Subject: [Members] Links from the 16 June meeting Message-ID: Here are links to items discussed at the last meeting: Skew T log (p) diagrams Everything Explained for the Professional Pilot book Hard copy iOS app Aviation Weather Workshops synopsis, prog, icing, and upper air charts