[Members] 2 June Meeting

St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List members at stlaviationmeetup.org
Wed Jun 3 21:35:55 UTC 2020

Hey Folks!

You all missed a great meeting! We know times are busy now with all the
Covid recovery, .. and a lot of pilots haven't been in the air for months,
.. but it's always to get your head back into the air.

If ANYONE has any concern about being able to use a video conferencing
system, please give me a jingle and we can do a test session pretty much
any time.

The large screen on a computer really works best, as it's really hard to
read charts and diagrams on a phone, so that would be good to arrange.

Turns out there are five Tuesdays in June, .. and a lot of places will be
open by then. Check out your favorite spot and let us know!

Look forward to seeing more folks in two weeks!!

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