[Members] Tuesday 5 October (update)

St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List members at stlaviationmeetup.org
Tue Oct 6 00:21:34 UTC 2020

Link:		https://nyx.omnitec.net/StLAviationMeetup
Password:	FlyHigh
Time:		1830 Local [CDT]

Our Tuesday Jitsi meeting will feature a question of the month and a Bold
Method scenario:

For many years, pilots have purchased the paper edition of the FAR/AIM.
Because these are printed on paper and released about six months in
advance, they are certain to be older than the year printed on their front
cover.  Even electronic applications that provide the FAR/AIM may even be
slightly older than their last update time stamp.

The following FAA web site provides the most current AIM for free!


However, the web site, under the "Manuals" header, provides four PDF files
for the AIM to download.

Which PDF file or files should you download to have a complete up-to-date
AIM?  (Hint: It will be necessary to examine the first few pages of each
of the 4 PDF files to determine your answer.)

If you decide that you need to use more than one PDF file to have the
complete current AIM at your finger tips, how do you use the PDF files
together as a group?

(There is more than one correct answer for both parts of this question!)


Next, during a scenario sponsored to us from Bold Method, we will make a
summer afternoon flight in a Cesnna 172 from KHTS to KIMS.  And you don't
want to mis your son's graduation party, yet there are scattered
thunderstorms in the area.  Will you be able to come up with a safe game


Nest will be a short Bold Method quiz related to the scenario.


Finally - Bonus Q of month: You're cruising at 8,500' in VMC and, on your
WAAS GNS 530 moving map screen, you see blue cross hatching on a portion
of your screen as shown below. What does this blue cross hatching mean?


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