[Members] 4 November Meeting

St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List members at stlaviationmeetup.org
Fri Oct 30 19:58:10 UTC 2020

Our first November meeting will be Wednesday, the 4th so everyone will
have plenty of time to vote.

Here is a link to the meeting:

	Wednesday 4 November 1830 CST
	Password:	FlyHigh

First topic will be the Question of the Month:

On the low enroute chart, let'slook at the POM VOR.  It includes the note,
"MTA V264 E TO V197 NW 11800."  What is the meaning of "MTA"?  How does it
affect our flight over this VOR?

Next will be an IFR scenario:

After weaving around cells all morning, its time to call it a day. ATC
turns you toward the approach for the nearest airportand right into a cell
that was not where it showed on your NEXRAD display. Will you do an about
face to get out of it, or just cross over to the other side?

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