[Members] Tuesday 15 September

St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List members at stlaviationmeetup.org
Mon Sep 14 22:45:11 UTC 2020

Anyone ever flown into a really busy airport? I remember dropping in at
DFW many years ago, .. first thought: I could have landed my Lance four
times on this runway! Second thought: Where in the #$(*#$ is GA parking?
Turns out the ONLY taxiway sign faced the direction I was taxiing (i.e.
not visible to me).

Scenario for tomorrow:

What started as a favor for a friend has turned into a confusing mess of
ATC instructions and attempts at landing. How much PIC authority will it
take to straighten this out? And more importantly: Which choice gets you
down and safe without causing a pilot deviation or turning you into a 737
hood ornament?

	Time:		1830 CDT
	Link:		https://nyx.omnitec.net/StLAviationMeetup
	Password:	FlyHigh

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