[Members] [CE05103541] IMC Club February Briefing your arrival - FAASafety.gov (fwd)

St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List members at stlaviationmeetup.org
Mon Jan 25 22:47:33 UTC 2021

Thought some folks might be interested in this Wings event:

-- FAASafety.gov --------------------------------------------------------

"IMC Club February Briefing your arrival"

Topic: Pilot Briefings: Departures and arrivals; Those briefings that the
FAA requires, and those that they recommend

On Monday, February 8, 2021 at 19:00 Central Standard Time (17:00 PST,
18:00 MST, 20:00 EST, 15:00 HST, 16:00 AKST, 18:00 Arizona, 01:00 GMT)

Select Number: CE05103541

Description: Recently, an IMC Club member asked me if I would talk about
briefing an instrument arrival, and I agreed to do so. But i realized
there was more. First of all, VFR pilots should also be briefing their
arrival. And remembering that my flying club has as a checklist item,
briefing the departure for all takeoffs, I realized that this is an
important item to brief as well. And then i remembered that the FAA Part
91 has something to say about briefings. So i think there is something
here for all pilots, instrument rated or not.

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