[Members] [EA17105263] Tires on Approach - FAASafety.gov (fwd)

St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List members at stlaviationmeetup.org
Fri May 14 19:45:38 UTC 2021

Looks to be a great discusussion of aviation rubber.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 14 May 2021 02:48:56 -0500
From: FAASafety.gov <info_lvl=omnitec.net at faasafety.gov>
Subject: [EA17105263] Tires on Approach - FAASafety.gov

-- FAASafety.gov --------------------------------------------------------

"Tires on Approach"
Topic: When The Tires Go Flat
On Tuesday, May 25, 2021 at 19:00 Eastern Daylight Time (16:00 PDT, 17:00 MDT, 18:00 CDT, 13:00 HST, 15:00 AKDT, 16:00  Arizona, 23:00 GMT)

Select Number: EA17105263

During this 2 hour presentation Mary Beth Widak, an  Aviation Development Specialist from the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company will provide an in depth look a tire fundamentals followed by Dr. Parvez Dara who will look into one of the causes of blowing a tire on landing, the unstable approach.

To view further details and registration information for this webinar, click here:

The sponsor for this seminar is:

The following credit(s) are available for the WINGS/AMT Programs:
Basic Knowledge 3 - 1 CreditBasic Knowledge 2 - 1 CreditAMT: 1.00

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