[Members] 1 November 2021

St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List members at stlaviationmeetup.org
Sun Oct 31 23:34:05 UTC 2021


In the KCVO ILS-17 (Pictured below), the GS (Glideslope) intercept
altitude is 2800 feet at ZIKDO. The "2800" with the lightning bolt is
underlined. Then the "2500" at the FAF is underlined, but it is asterisked
to LOC only. Are ALL the underlined altitudes hard minimums? Let's say you
either manually or on autopilot start "sliding down" the GS and happen to
cross the GS intercept fix 50 feet low. It is still well within GS specs
-- probably within half a dot -- but slightly below the underlined
altitude. Is it legal?


You understand that single-engine flight in the clouds requires some
tolerance of risk. You only have one engine, one vacuum pump, and one
alternator. That last liability is why you have some handheld navigation.
So after a complete electrical failure in IMC, what combination of the
iPad GPS and handheld NAV/COM will get you on the ground?

1830CDT 1H0 Pilot Lounge

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