[Members] Instrument Panels

St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List members at stlaviationmeetup.org
Tue Aug 16 01:52:46 UTC 2022

Chris Clarke at H20 Machine and Fabrication in Fenton made the panel for 
our RV-10 glass upgrade two years ago. We gave him a CAD file and it 
came back perfect. His dad is a member of EAA 32 and says Chris had done 
a large number of instrument panels for various aircraft.

He first cut the holes in an .060 aluminum panel with a CNC water jet 
and put a stiffening bend. We test fitted it, countersunk the screw 
holes, then sent it back to be anodized. We went with black but there 
are different colors of anodizing.


He said he could etch placard information into the aluminum. We didn't 
go with that option but it would look a little more professional.

Bob Murray

On 8/15/22 8:17 PM, St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List via Members 
> I know a lot of folks have dealt with replacing an instrument panel, ..
> anyone with a recommendation for a shop that can cut a new panel for our
> PA32?
> 	Thanks!
> 	Lee

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