[Members] FW: ATC Zero Today (fwd)

St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List members at stlaviationmeetup.org
Mon Jan 17 20:57:10 UTC 2022

FYI, .. this has been the *second* ATC Zero for KSUS in the past few

From: Schubert, David [mailto:DSchubert at stlouiscountymo.gov]
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2022 2:37 PM
To: Schubert, David
Subject: ATC Zero Today

  Due to FAA CO Due to FAA COVID Protocol the SUS ATCT will be closed at
  approximately 1530L until 1730L today.  When accessing the Movement
  Areas during this time broadcast your intentions on the Common Traffic
  Advisory Frequency (CTAF) 124.75.  Vehicles requiring access to runways
  must broadcast their intentions on 124.75 as well as receive a traffic
  advisory from TRACON on 121.7 to insure no traffic conflict exists.
  IFR clearances will continue to be obtained from St. Louis Approach
  Control (TRACON) on 121.7.  SUS ATCT will resume normal operation at
  approximately 1730L this evening.

Best Regards,

David J. Schubert
Spirit of St. Louis Airport

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