[Members] 15 November 2022

St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List members at stlaviationmeetup.org
Sun Nov 13 22:16:20 UTC 2022

NOTE: There was an FAA seminar schedule for the 15th @1H0, but it has been
cancelled, so we will have our regular meeting.


Youre planning a flight to an uncontrolled airport and will be landing
after dark. What does it mean if following the field elevation on the
airport data block of the sectional chart, you see a *L instead of just an


You're at an airport where joining a full pattern is just SOP. Then, a
bird ends its days by punching an actual hole in your windscreen. However,
the airplane is still flying, and the rest of the Lexan is holding. Will
you make everyone get out of your way, or will you find a quieter place to

15 November 2022 1830 1H0 Pilot Lounge

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