From members at Sun Sep 4 23:52:25 2022 From: members at (St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List) Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2022 18:52:25 -0500 (CDT) Subject: [Members] 6 September 2022 Message-ID: QotM ==== EAA IMC Club Question of the Month September 2022 An instrument rated pilot is on a VFR night flight, but nearing the destination (a Class D airport), the conditions are worsening. It would be difficult to get an IFR clearance at this point, so he is considering a Special VFR clearance to land at the Class D airport. What requirements must be met for the pilot to receive a Special VFR Clearance? Scenario ======== Some failures seem so unlikely theres no need to prepare for them. Thats fine until they do happen. Now youll have to choose between powering back in hopes of better weather, trusting your memory and knowledge of systems, or trusting a technique you havent practiced since instrument trainingif you even practiced it at all. 6 September 2022 1830 @1H0 Pilot Lounge From members at Mon Sep 19 19:22:10 2022 From: members at (St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List) Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2022 14:22:10 -0500 (CDT) Subject: [Members] Tuesday 20 September Message-ID: QotM ==== In VFR cruise flight, youre flying a heading of 020 over sea-level terrain, using a 30-degree right wind correction angle to track to your destination. Would an altitude of 5,500 MSL be an appropriate altitude for this segment of your flight? Scenario (33) ======== Youre out practicing some maneuvers, and ATC gives you a heads-up about traffic. You roll out of the turn and what do you see? Theres an airplane with no relative motion heading straight for youclose enough that you have only seconds to react. What will you do to avoid the collision? 1830 CDT 1H0 Pilot Lounge From members at Fri Sep 30 21:20:29 2022 From: members at (St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List) Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2022 16:20:29 -0500 (CDT) Subject: [Members] ABS Single Pilot IFR - What Went Wrong? Message-ID: The ABS [American Bonaza Society] is presenting this live session on Tuesday 11 October @1900: Topics include: The role of systems design and limitations on aircraft mishaps Checklist and automation skills as risk management strategies Common themes to SPIFR accidents Answers to live viewer questions More info: Link to use to join: