[Members] 6 September 2022

St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List members at stlaviationmeetup.org
Sun Sep 4 23:52:25 UTC 2022


EAA IMC Club Question of the Month September 2022 An instrument rated
pilot is on a VFR night flight, but nearing the destination (a Class D
airport), the conditions are worsening. It would be difficult to get an
IFR clearance at this point, so he is considering a Special VFR clearance
to land at the Class D airport. What requirements must be met for the
pilot to receive a Special VFR Clearance?


Some failures seem so unlikely theres no need to prepare for them. Thats
fine until they do happen. Now youll have to choose between powering back
in hopes of better weather, trusting your memory and knowledge of systems,
or trusting a technique you havent practiced since instrument trainingif
you even practiced it at all.

6 September 2022 1830 @1H0 Pilot Lounge

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