[Members] Tuesday 17 January 2023

St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List members at stlaviationmeetup.org
Sat Jan 14 14:23:05 UTC 2023

Welcome to 2023 and another year of the St. Louis Aviation Meetup!

VMC Question of the Month: You're planning a sight-seeing flight around
the Block Island area, near KBID, and are planning to fly over the
northern end of the island at 700 feet.  Another pilot correctly points
out that the northern end of the island includes a National Wildlife
Refuge, and he says that VFR flights in such areas are not permitted below
2,000 feet AGL.  Can you legally over the northern end of the island under
VFR at an altitude of 700 MSL?  (Note: there are many such areas
identified on the chart section above, including Amagansett National
Wildlife Refuge on Long Island, Sachuset National Wildlife Refuge near
Newport, and the Ninigret National Wildlife Refuge east of Westerly State

VMC Scenario of the Month: You are going to try formation flying with a
friend, who is based at another airport.  Do you know how to plan your
formation flight?  Do you know what to do in the air, especially when
things don't go as planned?

After the scenario, share your experience with formation flying, or listen
to others share their experience.


17 Janiary 2023 1H0 Pilot Lounge

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