[Members] 18 July 2023

St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List members at stlaviationmeetup.org
Sun Jul 16 16:07:39 UTC 2023


When arriving at an uncontrolled airport that uses the standard left
traffic pattern, can a pilot of an airplane decide to use right hand
traffic in order to improve safety?  An example might be when there are
low clouds adjacent to the airport that would potentially raise a safety
concern for aircraft making a left-hand pattern, but the other side of the
airport is clear with 10-mile visibility.


You stayed clear of growing thunderstorms on the way home so far, but
during a needed break for fuel and food, theyve caught up. Now a cell
threatens your departure. If you can get airborne quickly, youll get ahead
of the weather and home. If you can't, you might not fly out until

18 July 2023 1H0 Pilot Lounge 1830 CDT

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