[Members] 7 March 2023

St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List members at stlaviationmeetup.org
Sun Mar 5 20:29:58 UTC 2023


You're on an IFR flight plan and preparing for an instrument approach as
you get close to your destination. You're in IMC but expect to clear the
clouds before reaching DH. Can you still log the approach?


If your POH says flight into known icing is prohibited, you can't do it,
but icing in the real world isn't so cut-and-dried. How will you complete
a flight that hasn't seen a hint of ice, even in sub-freezing temps, but
where descending into the clouds below you could be a non-event, .. or an
emergency you're ill-equipped to handle.

7 March 2023 1830 1H0 Pilot Loungs

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