[Members] [SW17121823] How to Research Airworthiness Directives Using the FAA DRS Website - FAASafety.gov (fwd)

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Mon May 1 18:19:46 UTC 2023

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Date: 30 Apr 2023 20:37:28 -0500
From: FAASafety.gov
Subject: [SW17121823] How to Research Airworthiness Directives Using the
    FAA DRS Website - FAASafety.gov

-- FAASafety.gov --------------------------------------------------------

"How to Research Airworthiness Directives Using the FAA DRS Website"
Topic: AD Research Techniques Using the FAA DRS Website
On Monday, May 8, 2023 at 18:30 Central Daylight Time (16:30 PDT; 17:30 MDT; 19:30 EDT; 13:30 HST; 15:30 AKDT; 16:30  Arizona; 23:30 GMT)

Select Number: SW17121823

Aircraft Owners are Responsible for AD Compliance, and Mechanics Certify that an Aircraft meets ALL Airworthiness Requirements when they sign the Log Entry for an Inspection. Therefore, knowing how to capture all the Applicable ADs is critical.   Â
For this 1.5 Hour presentation we briefly review AD Responsibilities for Aircraft Owners, and Mechanics, Status Lists, and Record Entry requirements. Then we bring a Cessna 172S into our Virtual Shop and perform Airworthiness Directives (AD) research. The FAA DRS Website is used to identify Applicable ADs.  We will search for Aircraft, Engine, Propeller, and Appliance ADs. Emergency ADs and Bi-Weekly Listings are also reviewed.  Techniques, Tips, and Limitations are discussed. This Presentation also demonstrates how to generate AD lists from DRS.
If you have difficulty using DRS for AD searches, or you are just not sure, this is the Webinar for you.
1.5 WINGS credits, or 1 ½ Hours of AMT Credit will be awarded.

To view further details and registration information for this webinar, click here:

The sponsor for this seminar is:

The following credit(s) are available for the WINGS/AMT Programs:
Basic Knowledge 3 - 1 CreditBasic Knowledge 3 - ½ CreditAMT: 0.50AMT: 1.00

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