[Members] 21 November 2023

St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List members at stlaviationmeetup.org
Sat Nov 18 18:39:40 UTC 2023


An aircraft is maneuvering at an uncontrolled airport to pick up a banner
alongside the runway in use. The intent is to pick up the banner, and then
depart the airport area. For the purposes of right-of-way, would this
airplane be considered on approach to land?


Airframe icing in the winter months strikes fear into the hearts of IFR
pilots, but you thought VFR meant this was a non-issue. Now circumstance
has proved that wrong. Whats your choice for the best destination airport
and landing technique given youll be a bit of a test pilot before this
flight is over?

21 November 2023 1830 @1H0 Pilot Lounge

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