[Members] 30 July 2024, .. not 30 June

St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List members at stlaviationmeetup.org
Tue Aug 6 22:12:39 UTC 2024

Yes Mike. You should have received an email yesterday.


On Tue, Aug 6, 2024, 4:51 PM St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List via
Members <members at stlaviationmeetup.org> wrote:

> Are meeting today at 7pm.
> M Putnam
> On Tue, Jul 30, 2024, 5:32 PM St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List via
> Members <members at stlaviationmeetup.org> wrote:
> > Date correction - 30 July, TOMORROW NIGHT!!
> >
> > --
> >
> > Special Event
> > =============
> >
> > Intro to AI with Microsoft CoPilot and ChatGPT
> >
> > AI is fast improving the resources we have available for problem solving,
> > this meeting will provide an inteoduction to Microsoft Copilot and
> > ChatGPT.
> >
> > Copilot requires Win10 (or Win11) and Edge, ChatGPT on requires a current
> > browser. Bring your laptop or a tablet (need a fairly large screen and
> > keyboard for typing) and follow follow along!
> >
> > 30 July 2024 1H0 Pilot Lounge 1830 CDT
> >
> >
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