[Members] 6 February 2024

St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List members at stlaviationmeetup.org
Mon Feb 5 17:02:57 UTC 2024


Youre being vectored for a localizer approach, have been given a vector to
intercept the final approach course outside the final approach fix, and
are cleared for the approach. The approach plate identifies no feeder
routes, and specifies NoPT. A hold is depicted at the FAF with a notation
of 4 NM. At what point can you begin a descent to the published altitudes?


A delightful night flight home turns into a surprise missed approach only
seconds from landing. Now back above the unforecastand widespreadfog,
youre fat on fuel but short on options with the clock already passing
midnight. Youll have to balance between longer time in the air and making
the next landing attempt a sure thing.

6 February 2024 1830 CST 1H0 Pilot Lounge

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