[Members] 20 February 2024

St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List members at stlaviationmeetup.org
Mon Feb 19 17:45:43 UTC 2024


Before an early morning flight, when the overnight air temperature has
been below freezing, no water is found in the fuel during the preflight
inspection. After landing some hours later after a flight in clear, sunny,
VFR conditions, with air temperature now in the 50s, a check of the fuel
finds it is contaminated with water. Where did the water likely come from?
Why did the pilot miss the contamination on the early morning preflight?


Its just a short hop in a plane youve logged hundreds of hours flying.
However, its not until rotation that you realize how poorly the airplane
is performing. Now theres not enough runway to put it back down, but
barely enough climb to keep it in the air. Where will you go?

20 February 2024 1H0 Pilot Loung 1830CST

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