[Members] 2 July 2024

St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List members at stlaviationmeetup.org
Sun Jun 30 15:36:27 UTC 2024


What is the temperature-dewpoint spread reported via the below METAR:

METAR KGON 211251Z 34024G32KT 6SM RA BR OVC009 15/14 A2977 RMK AO2 CIG
006V011 PRESFR T01500144


You never should have taken this flight, in this airplane, in this
weather, in the first place. Next time youll do it differentlybut now you
must land soon enough to ensure there is a next time. How will you get
this VFR-only airplane out of the weather when snowy approaches look like
your only option?

2 June 2024 1H0 Pilot Lounge 1830 CDT

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