[Members] [GL13127672] Ending the War on Jugs - FAASafety.gov (fwd)

St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List members at stlaviationmeetup.org
Wed Mar 20 18:59:16 UTC 2024

Given that some folks have had jug problems in the past year, ..


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 20 Mar 2024 09:45:08 -0500
From: FAASafety.gov <info_lvl=omnitec.net at faasafety.gov>
To: lvl at omnitec.net
Subject: [GL13127672] Ending the War on Jugs - FAASafety.gov

-- FAASafety.gov --------------------------------------------------------

You have asked us to notify you when a webinar is scheduled that meets your criteria. The following webinar may be of interest to you:

"Ending the War on Jugs"
Topic: Safety information to determine cylinder condition and tips to remedy issues prior to removal.
On Wednesday, April 3, 2024 at 19:00 Central Daylight Time (17:00 PDT; 18:00 MDT; 20:00 EDT; 14:00 HST; 16:00 AKDT; 17:00  Arizona; Thursday, April 4, 2024 00:00 GMT)

Select Number: GL13127672

Historically, the rule A&Ps were taught about cylinders was simple: If the compression reading was less than 60/80, the cylinder had to come off for repair or replacement, period. This works well for mechanics, who are always happiest when they have clear-cut guidance to follow. But it was bad news for aircraft owners, who have to shell out several thousand dollars each time a jug gets yanked, and occasionally suffer catastrophic engine failure when the cylinder installation isn't done precisely right. In recent years, we've developed far more effective methods of assessing cylinder condition, catching problems early, and remediating them without the need for costly and risky cylinder removal. In this webinar, Mike Busch discusses these modern methods, techniques, and practices.

To view further details and registration information for this webinar, click here:

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The following credit(s) are available for the WINGS/AMT Programs:
AMT: 0.50Basic Knowledge 1 - ½ Credit

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