[Members] 2 February 1830 CST

St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List members at stlaviationmeetup.org
Mon Feb 1 17:31:30 UTC 2021


Based on the first and last sentence in the note on the ILS RWY 5 approach
chart to KEWB, may you or may you NOT fly the autopilot coupled approach
to the DA of 270'?


The flight was planned in a narrow zone above the MEAs but below the
icing. That zone dwindles to zero just as the destination comes in reach,
but you arent ATCs priority. Then a controller offers you exactly what you
want. Now you must ask yourself: Is it what you need?


Topic: StLAviationMeetup - 1st Tuesday
Time: Feb 2, 2021 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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