[Members] "New Course! Alton Bay Ice Runway - Decision Making on Ice" - FAASafety.gov (fwd)

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Sat Feb 13 16:33:17 UTC 2021

On MY wish list for destinations, ..

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Date: 12 Feb 2021 21:51:30 -0600
From: FAASafety.gov <info_lvl=omnitec.net at faasafety.gov>
To: lvl at omnitec.net
Subject: "New Course! Alton Bay Ice Runway - Decision Making on Ice" -

-- FAASafety.gov --------------------------------------------------------

New Course! Alton Bay Ice Runway - Decision Making on Ice
Notice Number: NOTC1686

The Alton Bay Ice Runway has opened for the season!
Each winter, a unique airport in New England opens for just a short time. It is a great opportunity to try something new and challenging and experience some terrific winter flying. It also requires good Aeronautical Decision Making - Are you ready for both?
This "annual" webinar to help prepare pilots for this unique airport is now an FAASAFETY.GOV course for WINGS knowledge credit!

Course # ALC-671
Click here to go to the course: Alton Bay Ice Runway - Decision Making on Ice course
or copy and paste the following into your browser:
Stephen K. Brown - FPM
Stephen.K.Brown at FAA.GOV

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