[Members] Tuesday 16 February

St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List members at stlaviationmeetup.org
Mon Feb 15 20:41:54 UTC 2021

Doubt anyone is flying lately, .. found out from experience that when it's
5F on the ground, it's about -20F at 6000, .. at which a normal single
engine heater cannot keep the cabin warm enough! Will recap that
experience and look forward to others tomorrow!


Flying a floatplane has inherent risks, one of which is your landing site
might be impossible to use if the winds are wrong or the water is low.
Amphibious gear gives you the best of both worldsuntil it fails and leaves
you searching for the least bad solution to a multi-headed problem.

Topic: StLAviationMeetup - 3rd Tuesday
Time: Feb 16, 2021 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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