[Members] Tuesday 5 July 2022

St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List members at stlaviationmeetup.org
Sun Jul 3 19:44:57 UTC 2022

	St. Louis Aviation Meetup
	1830 1H0 Pilot Loungs


EAA IMC Question of the Month

The missed approach procedure for the KGON VOR Runway 5 approach (see
below) reads: Climbing right turn to 2000 via GON R-062 to BABET INT/GON
5.7 DME and hold, continue climb-in-hold to 2000. Reaching the MDA and VDP
at GON 1.7, you decide a missed approach is warranted. When can the missed
approach procedure (climbing right turn) be initiated?

EAA IMC Scenario

Are you prepared to respond to a situation involving birds during your IFR

Following are some links that might be of interest.

FAA Form 5200−7

Bird Strike on Wikipedia

Advisory Circular "Reporting Wildlife Aircraft Strikes" (AC 150/5200-32B)

FAA's Wildlife Strike FAQ

FAA report, Wildlife Strikes to Civil Aircraft in the United States, 1990-2020

AOPA Safety Brief

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