[Members] 17 October 2023

St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List members at stlaviationmeetup.org
Fri Oct 13 19:38:07 UTC 2023


I'm prepping for my Private Pilot Checkride with questions my CFI gave
me. One was how to fly the pattern at Bend, OR, where there's just an
asterisk before RP. I know RP 16 would mean right traffic for 16, but what
does *RP mean?


The worst has actually happened and now your Cessna is twisted aluminum on
the hillside. Everyone is OK for the moment, but daylight is waning and a
storm is predicted for midnight. Given the altitude of the accident, that
storm might bring snow. Is there any way you can get rescued sooner with
minimal extra risk?

17 October 2023 1H0 Pilot Lounge

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