[Members] 17 October 2023

St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List members at stlaviationmeetup.org
Fri Oct 13 19:55:14 UTC 2023

Look on the chart supplement.

Sent from my Verizon Motorola Smartphone
On Oct 13, 2023 14:38, "St. Louis Aviation Meetup Members List via Members" <members at stlaviationmeetup.org> wrote:
> QotM 
> ==== 
> I'm prepping for my Private Pilot Checkride with questions my CFI gave 
> me. One was how to fly the pattern at Bend, OR, where there's just an 
> asterisk before RP. I know RP 16 would mean right traffic for 16, but what 
> does *RP mean? 
> Scenario 
> ======== 
> The worst has actually happened and now your Cessna is twisted aluminum on 
> the hillside. Everyone is OK for the moment, but daylight is waning and a 
> storm is predicted for midnight. Given the altitude of the accident, that 
> storm might bring snow. Is there any way you can get rescued sooner with 
> minimal extra risk? 
> 17 October 2023 1H0 Pilot Lounge 

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